In their place, Delaware North is creating the "Blue Zone" in the airport's west, or by the US Airways gates.
The people inhabiting Blue Zones share common lifestyle characteristics that contribute to their longevity.
Nic Potter, The Blue Zone (1990) - played guitar on "Ocean Blue"
Buettner adds, "In Blue Zones like the island of Ikaria in Greece, you find extended families under one roof making family meals."
The places we're usually told to emulate are known as Blue Zones or Cold Spots.
This Blue Zone is a computer-enhanced image," Jimmy's father went on, pointing, "to show us the action of the energy out there so we can avoid it.
They did it to themselves when they turned us toward that Blue Zone.
We're not going into that Blue Zone.
Dan Buettner considers this community to be a Blue Zone.
"In every Blue Zone, they eat less than we do, by at least 20%," Buettner says.