The Board of Trade in consequence directed that his certificate of competency was to be suspended for six months.
The international Board of Trustees chaired by the Ukrainian founder direct the institution.
The Board directed its agent to "write to the said masters at Bristol for further information in that matter."
In the summer of 1969, the Board of Trustees directed the staff to set up classes for the first fall semester.
In November 2007, the Board directed the subsidiary to cease third party maintenance activities and to concentrate on maintaining the airline's own aircraft.
The Board directs that complaints of bullying be investigated promptly, and corrective action taken when allegations are verified.
A Board, elected by the membership and the Sector Groups, directs the Association's activities.
Ramsden had fallen into bad health, and the Board considerately directed that "inquiries should be made."
On 6/10/09, the Board of Commissioners directed that the estimated just compensation, 1.26 million dollars, be remitted to the owners.
The Board explicitly should not direct or control development as that is delegated to the appropriate community mechanisms as detailed before.