Princess Amelia was lent to the Board of Customs in November 1788, and she was eventually sold for breaking up in 1818.
He also served as a Commissioner of the Board of Customs.
His father was distinguished as the Commissioner of the Board of Customs who devised the old age pension scheme.
Then the Chairman of the Board of Customs balked.
For this the Board of Customs granted a reward to her officers and men.
Responsibility for excise taxes was transferred to the Board of Customs and Excise in 1909.
He was chairman of England's Board of Customs and then acted as a relief commissioner for Newfoundland after the 1894 bank crash.
In 1797 he was appointed as Senior Member of Board of Customs, Salt and Opium.
Board of Customs and Excise.
He took further roles on royal commissions, and served on the Board of Customs.