The Board eventually relented before the series ended.
The General Manager made a point of convincing the Board that only buses could adequately serve its needs and those of its customers and finally succeeded in January 1953 when the Board relented and agreed that this route would also be served by buses.
After violent incidents and pleas from parents, the Board of Education relented and agreed to an unwise employee protection provision that preserved jobs of senior drivers, even if competitive bidding took place.
Within a year, the Board of Regents relented and the University of the Philippines adopted these classes by formally establishing the College of Law on January 12, 1911.
The Student Representative Council (SRC) had previously approached the Professorial Board with a request to stage a revue but had been denied, but the Board relented after "Commem parades" associated with the annual degree presentation ceremonies brought public condemnation because of student behaviour.
After much resistance, Ms. Goodine recalled, the Board of Education relented, and the children from South were bused to the other schools.
But the Board of Education, interested in relieving cramped classrooms in School District 24, the city's most overcrowded, is not relenting.
The Board of Education relented and rescinded its demolition order.
By the early 1960s, faced with the widespread coeducation movement of the decade, the Board of Trustees relented and allowed its female graduates to receive diplomas from Hanover instead of Long.
The Board did consider the idea of requiring permits to install the kiosks, but eventually relented.