The team replaced Blitman after an 18-30 start with Bob Bass.
But given the hyper-inflated prices for trophy hotels, he could, like Bob Bass before him, change his mind.
I don't know what Bob Bass is doing that 18 other guys aren't doing.
"Needs to learn the pro defense," said Bob Bass, the Spurs' general manager.
Lucas then carried his own general manager, Bob Bass, halfway to the locker room.
Thus far, the hard-edged imprint of Bob Bass has been seen largely in media and real estate.
Bob Bass led the program to a 22-15 record over a season-and-a-half before returning to professional basketball coaching duties.
"I think what helped me is that people like Bob Bass got to know me beyond my addiction," Lucas says.
The New Orleans general manager, Bob Bass, an executive in the league since 1976, fears the worst.
Bob Bass, the Spurs' president, has a nephew over there.