The Boer forces never numbered more than 60,000.
Other Boer forces had cut the British line of supply and retreat.
The Boer force included an estimated 10,000 Africans, although they rarely carried weapons.
The town, which had been under siege for seven months by Boer forces, was facing starvation.
The Boer force suffered three killed and five wounded.
The head of the main column faced it, while the left arm swept round and drove the Boer force from their position.
Up to this date the Boer forces which dogged the column had been annoying but not seriously aggressive.
For some weeks after the fight at Moedwill the Boer forces remained quiet in that district.
Boer forces, imagining that the British would be unable to cross, especially with artillery, waited during the night to resume the battle the next day.
Hillegas's account included details about the composition and organization of the Boer forces.