This neighborhood was largely populated by Czechoslovakian and Bohemian immigrants who were very fond of Fuhrman and Forster products.
Bohemian and German immigrants originally settled the Montgomery area around 1856-1860, and that heritage remains prevalent.
The town's first settlers were primarily Bohemian immigrants.
Czech and Bohemian immigrants congregated in this neighborhood; many of them worked for the Schmidt Brewery.
Novak was the son of Bohemian immigrants and began as a carpenter's apprentice at the age of 13.
In 1862 St. Francis Xavier Church was established for the pastoral care of Bohemian immigrants.
His parents were Bohemian Czech immigrants; Rudy was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.
Largely settled by Bohemian, German and Swiss immigrants.
Colony Township was settled by Bohemian immigrants starting in the 1840s.
The original Bohemian immigrants came to Detroit to escape Prussian oppression and economic hardship in their homeland.