The Brera district, the city's bohemian quarter, is also a fashionable area with several boutiques.
This, children, was once a genuinely bohemian quarter.
They could not afford anything in other bohemian quarters like Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Once a year, on April 1, out come border patrols and officers check the documents of all wishing to enter this bohemian quarter of town.
Chelsea once had a reputation as London's bohemian quarter, the haunt of artists, radicals, painters and poets.
We commonly think of the Village as New York's bohemian quarter, but it had another side to it.
I was in the Bohemian quarter, where cobbled alleys full of bars and bookshops met the quayside.
By the early 1900s the area had become a sort of bohemian quarter, beloved of the city's cliques of writers, artists, and intellectuals.
He was a regular visitor of Lisbon's popular bohemian quarters and the docks, enjoying the company of sailors, a frequent image in his poems.
We rode 15 minutes or so east by boat to Fells Point, the more bohemian quarter of the harbor, in search of something different for lunch.