The most important structural changes in the Bolivian economy have involved the capitalization of numerous public sector enterprises.
Inflation has plagued, and at times crippled, the Bolivian economy since the 1970s.
The Bolivian economy has had a historic pattern of a single-commodity focus.
During Republican rule, the Bolivian economy underwent a profound change.
By 1952 the Bolivian economy had deteriorated even further.
The cocaine industry had a generally deleterious effect on the Bolivian economy.
The main campaign issue had been the Bolivian economy which virtually exploded in 1985 when inflation soared to an annual rate of 24,000 percent.
The company invested, between 1994 and 2005, US$1.5 billion in the Bolivian economy.
In order not to place the Bolivian economy under unnecessary pressure the payment of the foreign debt was stopped for some years.
He also made various attempts to restore the nearly collapsed Bolivian economy.