He has held five national cabinet positions including planning, foreign affairs, information and communications, finance and development, under three different Bolivian presidents.
The new Bolivian president will not have the resources that Venezuela commands and his popular base is shakier.
However, Bolivian presidents are only eligible to be re-elected to one successive term under Article 168 of the Constitution.
"These deeds bind us together, they strengthen us," said the Bolivian president, who described the rescue effort as "impressive" and "historic".
First of all, the success of "indigenous reforms" depended largely on the political will of the sitting Bolivian president.
In 1996 the Bolivian president re-opened the club.
Bolivian president, Evo Morales said that, "The meeting has failed.
Soon, however, he was plagued by rebellions, the bane of any Bolivian president during this chaotic period.
Not everyone believes this to be true because of his mestizo heritage and similar backgrounds of several past Bolivian presidents.
All these forces were under the direct command of the Bolivian president, Campero.