Bolton Hill is peppered with quaint urban parks, historic fountains, and grand monuments that complement the period architecture.
Bolton Hill is included within the boundaries of Baltimore National Heritage Area.
It is just across North Avenue from Bolton Hill and close to the Jones Falls.
Mount Vernon and Bolton Hill, for example, were always stately neighborhoods, though they had frayed at the edges.
Bolton Hill is now a more urban, more eclectic neighborhood.
We have lived in Bolton Hill since 1951, many of our neighbors are much longer residents.
Bolton Hill did not get its name, he says, until 1955 and "renovation did not sweep through the neighborhood overnight."
They have an exclusive agreement, Ms. Cirillo said, with a developer, Bolton Hill, to take over the property and build on it.
"I know it's a hike from your place in Bolton Hill."
This plan was scrapped as a result of public outcry, especially because no bus service would have been provided on Eutaw Place in Bolton Hill.