Staying at places like Bonanza Creek is more authentic than drives established to meet movie-created demand.
They both staked claims on Rabbit Creek, which quickly became known as Bonanza Creek.
At Claim Number 6 on Bonanza Creek you can pan for free (though you shouldn't give up the day job).
What was Bonanza Creek but a moose-pasture?
By the end of August, all of Bonanza Creek had been claimed by miners.
His dumps were the richest on Bonanza Creek, and they were many, while he was a man of responsibility and position.
And what was Bonanza Creek?
But an hour later, at his own camp, Joe Ladue strode in, fresh from Bonanza Creek.
George was determined to find another mother lode and re-create the exciting moment of discovery he had experienced as a young man on Bonanza Creek.
Then they ride to Bonanza Creek and quietly go about killing Brett's men in the streets.