Bond worked in Our Gang for two years, alternately appearing as a supporting character and a background actor.
Bonds lived in Harlem, and worked on many music projects in the neighborhood.
Bond worked on the figures for a moment in silence.
Carter, the Indians' star with whom Bonds works, had 26 home runs and 24 stolen bases.
Bond, who says he earned about $1 million from the book, is now working with another collaborator on a novel about a second Korean war.
Bond had worked for a time under Station A during the war, but he knew little of C or its problems.
After graduating, Bond briefly worked for his father's public relations agency.
Bond worked in public relations before and after his writing career, opening his own agency in 1959.
She was still groaning with pain, so Bond worked his way aft to see if he could assist.
It includes details of how the Bond works, your right to cancel, taxation matters, death benefits and more.