The bill is currently before the Joint Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee.
Representative Demetrios Giannaros, a Democrat on the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee, said he would urge his colleagues to scrutinize the deal.
On Thursday, the Democrats who control the Assembly's Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee, which will have first say on any new taxes, said they were still divided.
For one day only, members of the General Assembly's Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee will conduct a public hearing to allow formal comment by all comers.
The amnesty program was conceived by the General Assembly's Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee, in cooperation with the Department of Revenue Services.
But the 24-to-15 vote in the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee was only the opening shot of what is expected to be a frantic week at the Capitol.
On April 17 the Joint Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee voted favorably, 36 to 3, on the modified building and job figures.
A professor of political science on leave from Connecticut College, he is a 10-year veteran of the legislature who was co-chairman of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee.
The measure now goes to the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee for further review.
"The key element here is that a lot of people now have political cover," said Mr. Mulready, the co-chairman of the Assembly's Finance Revenue and Bonding Committee.