The Economy Act caused a second Bonus Army to form.
Some pushed in vain for a bigger march on Washington modeled after the 1932 Bonus Army.
The second remarkable thing was that the veterans in the Bonus Army, by universal agreement, were completely unarmed.
In less than four hours, they cleared the Bonus Army's campground using tear gas.
Pushed out of the nation's capital, the Bonus Army dissipated, joining the other two million Americans "on the road."
Troops disperse the last of the Bonus Army the next day.
It was during the consideration of this bill that the Bonus Army came to Washington.
"The Bonus Army" tells how these frustrated veterans decided to force the federal government's hand.
Workers tended to be more willing than their bosses to help the Bonus Army proceed along its way.
The Bonus Army's quarters were full of them.