The album makes numerous references to the Bosch painting, and the stone of madness, in both the lyrics and artwork.
Like many of Bosch paintings, the date of this work is unknown.
The right panel (220 x 97.5 cm, 87 x 38.4 in) illustrates Hell, the setting of a number of Bosch paintings.
Like a few other Bosch paintings, this one portrays the baby Jesus and Mary.
They reminded her of the things in that Bosch painting, The Garden of Earthly Delights.
The only thing that I can compare it to is perhaps a Bosch painting.
And Ms. Hilferty has supplied costumes that transform the ensemble members into something like the creepy, mutating figures in Bosch paintings.
They'd had to move the Bosch painting since I seemed to be undergoing some new growth spurt.
Bright arterial blood splattered everywhere-over me, over Kafka and the other jokers, over the Bosch painting.
They are not to be confused with the 1470s Bosch painting of the same name.