"It was still possible to solve the Bosnian crisis with some kind of honor on both sides," the official said.
Is the current Bosnian crisis a local affair, or is it the originating point on a new road to war?
At the end of our first one hundred days, we were nowhere near a satisfactory solution to the Bosnian crisis.
We thought we could deal with the Bosnian crisis alone.
But that was during the Bosnian crisis.
But the President's standing abroad also hinges on his handling of the Bosnian crisis.
The Bosnian crisis has triggered in most of these places an anti-Western feeling that was not present last year.
But disagreement over how to handle the Bosnian crisis has left many Europeans wondering if the community can ever speak with one voice.
During 1995, he also covered the Bosnian crisis, following the fall of Srebrenica.
Administration officials acknowledged that they hade no "silver bullet," as one official put it, to resolve the Bosnian crisis.