"The future Bosnian republic, the central republic, is not in my view viable either economically or geographically," Mr. Silajdzic said at a news conference.
Bosnia, now divided into a Bosnian Serb republic and a Muslim-Croat Federation, is under international administration.
"We will not sign anything unless we are sure the central Bosnian republic has the means to insure its own survival," said a Bosnian Government official.
They said formerly Muslim-majority districts must be joined to a proposed Muslim-dominated Bosnian republic.
The federation is meant to control about half of Bosnian territory, and a Bosnian Serb republic the other half.
Every UN bozo and his brother will be there as well as the operatives of the so-called Bosnian republics.
But some Western officials have predicted that a Bosnian Serb republic would eventually drift into a greater independence and become, in effect, an extension of Serbia.
Beginning with the 1996 budget year, the agreement says an agreed proportion of customs revenue will accrue to the central budget of the Bosnian republic.
Serbia closes border with Bosnian Serb republic and imposes embargo, as a measure of pressure to accept the plan of Contact Group.
The Muslim-led Government accepted for the first time the existence of a Bosnian Serb republic within the state.