Dr. Loury recently spoke to Jennifer A. Kingson of the Boston bureau of The New York Times.
A friend of Jill's sister who worked in Time's Boston bureau recruited Abramson to find out what happened.
Winstein was a news reporter for The Wall Street Journal's Boston bureau from 2005 to its closure in 2009, focusing on the biomedical beat.
"No, I didn't get it wrong," Mr. Putka said from the paper's Boston bureau.
He became deputy bureau chief in the Boston bureau in July 2000 and is now senior editor.
Mr. Golden, the deputy Boston bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal, is the son of immigrants and legitimately worked his way into Harvard.
In 1981, he went to work for the Boston Globe and in 1983 was hired as a reporter in the Boston bureau of The Wall Street Journal.
Kluetmeier shot photographs for Dartmouth athletics and campus events and for the AP's Boston bureau, and continued to freelance in Milwaukee during the summers.
After graduating from high school, he took a job with the Boston bureau of the Associated Press (AP), rising from office boy to correspondent.
Susan Diesenhouse of The Times's Boston bureau discussed the issue with people on both sides.