Regional elites not happy with the government centralization deflagrated Revolta Federalista in the beginning of the Brazilian Republic.
In 1889, with the advent of the Brazilian Republic, Espírito Santo finally became a state.
The military coup that led to the proclamation of the Brazilian Republic (1889), accentuated the decline of shipbuilding in the country.
Itu was the birthplace of the Brazilian Republic and has a renowned museum.
They did not desire a restoration, but believed that the Brazilian Republic might learn from the fallen regime.
The new Brazilian Republic was riddled with corruption and nepotism, and eventually there was a civil war in 1893-5.
His ascent marked the end of the Brazilian oligarchic Old Republic and states' dominated café com leite ("coffee with milk") politics.
Prudente de Morais - President of the Brazilian Republic (1894-1898)
Campos Sales - President of the Brazilian Republic (1898-1902)
Washington Luís - President of the Brazilian Republic (1926-1930)