After the passengers asked if they were being served Brazilian coffee, Sheridan told them it was "Irish coffee".
Breakfast was fresh fruits and juices, strong Brazilian coffee and a delicious selection of freshly baked breads.
These images depict samples taken from the same batch of a typical Brazilian green coffee at various bean temperatures with their subjective roast names and descriptions.
Traders said the plan was likely to increase the sale of Brazilian coffee.
"Hey, Buddy," an American passenger is supposed to have asked the chef, "is this Brazilian coffee?"
Coffee production in Cuba did not last as long as other countries due to the competition with Brazilian coffee.
But at its best, Brazilian coffee has a full, mellow flavor.
These newspaper columns frequently offered their readers a more potent brew, as jolting as Brazilian coffee.
The market will be flooded with Brazilian coffee, due to the Government's economic austerity plan introduced last week.
Also supporting prices, she said, were continued good demand, behind-schedule shipments and forecasts for a reduced Brazilian coffee harvest.