All of the puppets were created by local Brazilian designers, with no known involvement from the Muppet Workshop.
The textile association is also organizing a show of Brazilian designers later in the year in a European city not yet selected.
The winner of the 2006 award is Paula Dib, a Brazilian designer.
Everaldo Coelho (born March 25, 1978) is a renowned Brazilian graphic designer and illustrator.
Maurício Klabin, a Brazilian industrial designer, created the Eclipse lamp in 1982 using one plastic strip.
Just when you thought the design world had run out of modernist stars, get ready for furniture by 20th-century Brazilian designers.
Flavio Deslandes is a Brazilian industrial designer based in Denmark and known for his work with bamboo including the bamboo bicycles.
Or a Brazilian designer win over Western celebrities?
The Brazilian designer seems, however, to be more interested in dressing another Kate.
Nelson Balaban (born June 12, 1989) is a Brazilian graphic designer and art director for the advertising, entertainment and publishing industries.