About 12 million Brazilian families receive funds from Bolsa Família, which has been described as "the largest programme of its kind in the world."
As of January, 2010, his Brazilian family was hoping to regain custody.
Castelo Branco was descended from a wealthy Northeastern Brazilian family.
The Brazilian family comes from the branch from Ulm (Germany).
Also, the average income of Brazilian families fell 14 percent last year, government figures showed.
In 1998, already well established as a children's TV hostess, Eliana wanted something greater: to present a program for the whole Brazilian family.
Others are full of trust, like the Brazilian family who left their lottery tickets with him, with the request to "notify us if we win $18 million."
At the age of seven Aagje made contact with her Brazilian family.
It heavily criticizes the celibacy, and the authoritarism and patriarchy in 19th-century Brazilian families.
She and Caramuru would become the first Brazilian Christian family.