New loans, totaling nine million pounds, financed the retention of green coffee in Brazilian ports.
The growth of Latin America's largest economy may depend on a more efficient Brazilian port.
Steaming more than a thousand miles northward, it had reached the final Brazilian port.
The Portuguese monopoly effectively came to an end when Brazilian ports opened for trade with friendly foreign nations.
The bag repairer is part of a larger system that renders Brazilian ports among the slowest and most expensive in the world.
For the next five months, Trumpeter conducted patrols out of Brazilian ports with antisubmarine task groups.
Immigration properly started with the opening of the Brazilian ports, in 1808.
Sunny South began sailing to Brazilian ports with her voyage of March 1, 1856.
One reason for the limited supply, he said, was an 18-day dock workers' strike earlier this month in the Brazilian port of Santos.
A freighter recently docked at a Brazilian port with the nation's first shipment of Vietnamese rice, he noted.