At the end of the 90's, the Brazilian production ceased, to start up anew for a short while in the 2000s.
Brazilian production is predicted to reach a new record at 25.08 million tonnes in 1993-1994 (October-September), according to official figures.
Over the space of three years from 1968 to 1971 he also achieved, a 50% increase in Volkswagen's Brazilian production.
This is the second production made in South America, after the Brazilian production.
It was not until the 1960s that Brazilian production accelerated and the first of many spinning mills was established.
In the Brazilian production, all the three songs from the encore/finale were kept in English.
Brazilian productions are the most expensively produced in Latin America.
Brazilian production in 1999 was about 200,000 metric tons.
Nick Patrol was the first 100% Brazilian production of channel.
In 2007, Brazilian production grew 14% compared to 2006 figures, reaching more than 3 million vehicles.