It was founded in September 11, 1968, and was censored by the Brazilian military regime from 1969 to 1976.
The newspaper answered that it "respects the opinion of readers that disagrees with the usage of the term in the editorial to refer to the Brazilian military regime".
This disposition was not characteristic only of the nineteenth century Brazilian constitutional regime.
In 1971, during the Brazilian military dictatorial regime, he left the country to a voluntary exile, dwelling in many places, such as Spain, Chile and Portugal.
Political songs from Brazilian military regime (Portuguese)
Boal's teachings were controversial, and as a cultural activist he was seen as a threat by the Brazilian military regime.
Bloody Friday (1968), demonstrations against the Brazilian military regime and civil responses to police repression.
Ângelo began writing the book in 1964 but did not publish it until 1976, in part because of the censorship imposed by the Brazilian military regime after the 1964 coup.
Despite having been a Communist in his youth, Madureira said he had "no aversion to Globo," a television network intimately linked to the Brazilian military regime (1964-1985).
He developed the settlement from 1850 through 1859, but in 1860 the Brazilian regime claimed the growing village.