Their style was a mix of pop with Caribbean, African and Brazilian rhythms.
Brazilian stars and visiting international acts appear in large clubs with sound systems made for the intricacies of Brazilian rhythm.
For example, in the late 60s Willie Colon developed numbers that made use of Brazilian rhythms.
He had his first hit with "Sebastiana", a song based on traditional Brazilian rhythms.
Brazilian rhythms have been blended with rock and funk into something very rich.
Their instrumental music, influenced by the surf style of the early 1960s, hard core and some Brazilian rhythms performed with intense guitar riffs.
Now, he has put together an ensemble to perform them live, which should let loose jazzy improvisations and sinuous Brazilian rhythms.
A fusion of American pop, rock & soul, with black gospel, dance, and, Brazilian rhythms.
However, the group usually records Brazilian rhythms, adapting them to Noise Viola's style.
In 2002, also with Perrelli, he started a musical project with the objective of mix rock and Brazilian rhythms.