He is considered one of the most versatile musicians of the Brazilian scene.
Throughout his works, the artist registered highly Brazilian scenes and settings, such as fishing villages, ballerinas, exits from the church and cowboys taking a break.
But the artists who accompany them demonstrate the continuing vigor of the Brazilian scene.
Another form of regional folk music, bumba-meu-boi, was popularized by the Carnival celebrations of Parintins and is now a major part of the Brazilian national scene.
The band's sound is closer to the Bay Area thrash scene than the Brazilian scene, although many of the vocals were death metal grunts.
This moment can be called the first Brazilian independent scene (or indie scene).
The Brazilian indie scene with the support of the internet, MTV and the festivals gain a captive audience.
Their faithful 18th century appearance complemented the historic accuracy of the rebuilt "Rose", whose own boat, the "Thorn" could be used only in the Brazilian scene.
Post continued to paint Brazilian scenes until 1669, and the lack of dated paintings in the 1670s suggests he stopped ten years before his death.
Elsie Houston figured in the Brazilian literary/art/music scene during a critical time in its history.