By "his example and his actions he had contributed decisively to the expulsion of the Paraguayan invaders from Brazilian soil."
Her early work includes studies of Azospirillum and other bacteria that could be useful to Brazilian soil.
American armed forces operating on Brazilian soil was an outright violation of international law.
Said we just wanted free real estate to base troops and planes and ships on sovereign Brazilian soil.
The monarchical regime maintained on Brazilian soil "was a force of continuity and tradition".
He tries to prove the fertility and richness of Brazilian soil.
Despite sound problems and some flaws in the organization of the event, the first show on Brazilian soil had a major impact and has received good reviews.
Even though the First World War did not touch Brazilian soil, it had crushing effects on Brazil's economy.
He hard often arguments with the Catholic church and was for a while prohibited of preaching in Brazilian soil.
She roots her French imports deep in Brazilian soil.