He is married to Brenda Smith.
Edgar married Brenda Smith of Anna, Illinois; they have two children, Brad and Elizabeth.
Of course, most people do not handle quite as much of it as Brenda Smith did at work.
Brenda Smith, 42, a homemaker, said she had been unable to find her teenage daughters, Britney and Jessica.
Brenda Smith, a mother of three who is now a foster parent to a 14-year-old, added: "You have to do something about the problems out there.
Mount Vernon High School's acting principal, Brenda Smith, attributed some of the problems among youths to what she called "the yard attitude."
"I'm just concerned how well I can do this," said Brenda Smith, a homemaker who has four children between 6 and 11 years old.
It is much more graphic to say, 'Mr. Jones you know a woman by the name of Brenda Smith, don't you?
The documentary primary focuses on Brenda Smith and her early life growing up in Louisiana, and than moving to California to become a bodybuilder.
Her first nominee, Brenda Smith, said Monday that she did not want the job because of opposition from Hispanic groups.