Until 1987, Brentwood Station was located on First Avenue between 4th Street and Brentwood Road.
The school is located in Brentwood Road, Romford.
So established did the school become that it moved into large new premises on the northern outskirts of Romford (the modern day site on Brentwood Road).
Three people, a Florida tabloid photo editor and two postal workers at the central mail processing center here on Brentwood Road, have died of inhalation anthrax this month.
To the east is a railroad track and Lake Brentwood Road.
Dr. Richardson also knew that an initial test at Brentwood Road, where the Daschle letter had been processed, had turned up no evidence of contamination.
After anthrax findings at 14 of 29 swab checks at the main mail center on Brentwood Road, public health officials stepped up precautions this morning.
The municipal cemetery on Brentwood Road was opened in 1925.
The decision was based on concern that such mail might have been contaminated at the district's main processing center on Brentwood Road, which handled the Daschle letter.
Meanwhile, Mr. Curseen, 47, who worked at the huge mail-processing center on Brentwood Road in Northeast Washington, was feeling no better.