The two set, and broke, at least two wedding dates that year, before moving into the Brentwood home in January 1994.
The couple built a small theatre at Crawford's Brentwood home and put on productions of classic plays for select groups of friends.
Mr. Simpson has placed many of his assets, including the Brentwood home and several local hotels and restaurants, in four holding companies.
Arness died of natural causes at his Brentwood home in Los Angeles on June 3, 2011.
He also sued a subcontractor who worked on his Brentwood home, Miss Fisher said.
In July 1942, Shelton moved out of their Brentwood home and into his own apartment.
Hutton had previously lived near Crawford's Brentwood, California, home and has stated that she saw the children during or after various moments of abuse.
Over the years many painters, potters, sculptors, musicians and other artists have called Brentwood home or maintained studios.
He recently refinanced his Brentwood home, securing a $3.8 million mortgage, which appears to be close to the full value of the home.
On July 24, 1996, Christine died at her Brentwood home of cardiovascular disease.