The island is the fictional setting of Nigel Tranter's 1952 novel Bridal Path, which was made into film of the same name in 1959.
The Bridal Path (1959)
He also produced Broadway shows, such as Kindling in 1911-12 and The Bridal Path in 1913.
It is a background music theme in The Bridal Path.
The street's name is frequently misspelled as "The Bridal Path" by those who are unfamiliar with the history of the area.
The Bridal Path (film)
Bridal Path is a novel by Scottish author Nigel Tranter, first published in 1952.
In 1959 a film version The Bridal Path was released.
The original bridge featured in the 1959 film 'The Bridal Path' starring George Cole and Gordon Jackson.
He later had supporting roles in the films The Great Escape, The Bridal Path and The Ipcress File.