The body construction caused numerous early problems, until manufacture was handed over to Bristol Aeroplane Company.
He then worked for Bristol Aeroplane Company as their London manager.
During the war he had worked on engine design at the Bristol Aeroplane Company.
He was also a director of the Bristol Aeroplane Company until his death.
Between 1945 and 1947 he worked at the Bristol Aeroplane Company.
Today it is the only remaining and surviving subsidiary of Bristol Aeroplane Company.
The car manufacturer became independent from the Bristol Aeroplane Company in 1960.
In 1910 he formed, with his brother Samuel, the Bristol Aeroplane Company.
In 1910 he founded the Bristol Aeroplane Company, which set out from the first to produce aircraft on a commercial scale.
The company was taken over by the Bristol Aeroplane Company in 1920.