The award, announced last week by the Bristol-Myers Company, was the 12th annual prize in cancer research from the company.
He was president of the Bristol-Myers Company from 1976 to 1981.
Her father is a media director for the Bristol-Myers Company in New York.
Fox started out with only one major advertiser a year ago, the Bristol-Myers Company.
The Bristol-Myers Company said its earnings rose 20.3 percent, on a 13.4 percent increase in sales.
The Bristol-Myers Company had an 11.5 percent gain.
They are all for products of the Bristol-Myers Company, a major drug manufacturer.
The experimental vaccine was developed by the Bristol-Myers Company and is produced through genetic engineering techniques.
The Bristol-Myers Company has developed an antiperspirant based on antihistamines.
Her father, now retired, was vice chairman of the Bristol-Myers Company.