Large numbers of British civilians made their way to the Residency from outlying districts.
We see this every day at the one point at which British civilians connect to the Gulf: through the media.
From this clothing, the nickname they were given by the British civilians at the time was "snowdrops."
In January 1947, all British civilians were evacuated from Palestine.
Their conditions improved only after sympathetic British civilians collected enough money to supply them with the bare necessities for sustenance.
Although intended for soldiers the Forces Programme was also a hit with large numbers of British civilians.
If they bombed Gibraltar, it wouldn't be only British civilians who might end up killed.
After evacuating about 2,500 British civilians he retained a smaller group of soldiers and non-military men.
"Oh dear," one of the British civilians said.
By August 25 the last of the British and French civilians had skipped out.