This is not the case with the second series, as the program tries to emulate the successful British edition.
The 1984 British edition of the book substitutes a monkey for the teacher.
Page 383 of the British edition, by comparison, contains 365 words, set in 37 lines.
Circulation in 1972 also rose by about 6,000 issues, though it is possible that this was solely due to the new British edition.
Titles of individual tomes are same as in the British edition.
The first British edition, which added an additional four stories, was published in 1901.
It often views stories in a very different light to those being reported in the British editions.
The British editions of the book often refer to the award on the front cover.
A British edition, with altered names, appeared a year later.
The show's set, theme song and question cues was followed based on the British edition.