This classic hardy plum, familiar to most British gardeners, fruits in midsummer.
British gardeners, however, prefer a delightful name for this plant: Busy Lizzie.
Certainly, the best British gardeners do not consider their hedgerows anything less than natural.
Chilean plants are notoriously difficult for British gardeners to grow, and one glance at an atlas will tell you why.
The plant you admire is one of the group known as the hortensias, or the "changeables," as British gardeners call them.
He did a great deal to popularise roses among British gardeners.
He wants to convert British gardeners to growing their own food, and import networking skills from al-Qaida.
There is a strong feeling among British gardeners that the best gardens are simply beautiful places to go and to be.
Christopher Lloyd, a British gardener, will be the guest of honor.
Much is now imported, especially from France, for few British gardeners can produce this parasitic growth.