A third of all British households have no car.
It would be a real sign that our head of state understands, if not exactly shares, the growing economic problems facing British households.
Half of all British households now regularly use olive oil, compared with a third a decade ago.
This is a fruit of the nation's economic success, bringing direct benefit to British households.
A sample of British households was drawn and first interviewed in 1991.
In terms of material goods a normal British household today is a palace compared to when you were born.
Some 25% of British households are now reported to own a television set, 17 years after the first sets became available.
Supper in the British household would never be the same.
He also said that British households need to reduce the amount of food they throw away.
Some 90% of British households now own a television, compared to around 25% in 1953 and 65% in 1959.