Like the doctors in the American study, the British participants were all men.
The next morning, the other American and British participants arrived.
After the memorandum was published, two British participants disagreed with parts of it, particularly a reference to "some unease" about the distant future.
The smug foolishness of the Western leaders was typified by the British participants.
The one twist is that it will probably be the British participants, and not the Americans, who are calling the shots this time around.
Reports found that among British participants no forgetting occur over 4 years since the event.
A study looked at color preference in British and Chinese participants.
Fees paid by British participants subsidise those from the poor world and from eastern Europe.
The 1950 World Cup, held in Brazil, was the first to include British participants.
British participants were involved in a number of controversies regarding the reallocation of medals during the Games.