"Heritage at sea: proposals for the better protection of British archaeological sites underwater".
Harry Potter fans might like a reply from a British site, christmastimeuk.com.
In October, the privately held company introduced a British site (www.ebags.co.uk).
Their eye for a likely spot and its potential undoubtedly influenced their early settlements alongside or away from the earlier British sites.
Before, ancient British sites were just antiquarian curios of limited and sentimental interest.
Try following a Premier League football team, for example, and you'll find that many of the top British sites are absent.
Yahoo's policy received renewed attention after a British site, ntk.com, released the list of offending and substitute terms a week ago.
I, Robot was ranked "the worst film for product placement" on a British site.
Don't miss a walk through the last British defensive sites, Redoubts 9 and 10.
Until the 1980s, both sides of the road were British military sites.