Traditionally, among British socialists at any rate, 'nationalisation' of industry has been conceived as an unambiguously socialist aim.
John Goodwin Barmby (1820-1881) was a British Victorian utopian socialist.
William Harrison Riley (c.1835-1907) was an early British socialist.
Mosley's political trajectory was an extreme reaction to the dilemma in which British socialists found themselves.
Despite the affinities between socialism and nationalism, not many British socialists before the 1940s had framed their message in unashamedly patriotic language.
Henry Martin (c. 1864-1951), also known as Harry Martin, was a British socialist.
His friends in the anti-imperialism movement and association with British socialists led him to visit the USSR.
Ethical socialism is a variant of liberal socialism developed by British socialists.
The defining event of the 1980s for British socialists was the 1984-5 miners' strike.
The book influenced an entire generation of British socialists.