Over the following years, British tastes had changed due to foreign travel, and by the late 1990s the chain started losing money.
But even in this matter the British taste has been generally for the untheoretical.
But how refreshing to know that visitors won't get a completely mistaken idea of what really appeals to British Cultural tastes.
Many go to establishments set up especially to deal with British national tastes in food, drink, and entertainment.
If the ample collection of illustrations here is any indication, the attempt to rein in British bad taste failed miserably.
Shame that Aldi has started "catering for the British taste".
The result, he suggests, may be the "largest mass observation of British taste ever presented on British television."
"You can actually monitor British taste by the Albert Memorial."
Jack had never figured out the British taste for cucumbers on bread.
'It's not wobbly enough for British tastes,' said one.