Many of the British veterans, the biggest contingent, wore their medals on business suits or windbreakers.
Why, when American soldiers are now the world's premier fighting force, do British veterans dominate in the security industry?
On May 17, 1,000 British veterans are due here.
Four of the 23 surviving British veterans of the war, aged between 103 and 108, are well enough to attend.
This idea had begun to emerge towards the end of the war, and was actively promoted by some British veterans' groups in 1919.
British veterans told their friends that they had never known shot fall so fast and thick.
Part of the concern was that many British veterans were receiving pensions and had long-term disabilities.
There are now only approximately 20 surviving British veterans of the conflict, all aged over 100 years.
British veterans and civilians created in the 1920s a sacred memory of sacrifice in Belgium.
Earlier today, you met British and Norwegian veterans who took part in the Norway campaign.