In 1984, he bought his first object, an $800 drawing by a British-born artist named Sue Coe.
Bailey studied painting at the University of Detroit and married the British-born artist, Arno Scheiding.
But Mr Serota insisted this did not mean that British-born artists no longer cut the mustard.
Peter Gee (1932-2005) was a British-born artist and developer who spent most of his life living and working in New York City.
Arnold Armitage (1899-1991) was a British-born artist and illustrator, best known for his work with pin-up art.
Frank Leonard Brooks, 100, British-born artist (born 1911)
Fee Plumley is a British-born digital artist, technology evangelist, and digital consultant.
Katerina Jebb, born 15 November 1962 is a British-born artist, photographer and film-maker.
Of the British-born Black artists, who went to art school, how did they get in and how did they get on?
As we know, this latest generation of Black, British-born artists wants to exhibit alongside people of any colour.