Is there a Broadway tradition of always starting at a certain time after the appointed hour?
Nonetheless, his affection and respect for "Piazza" as a continuation of Broadway tradition shines through this well-made segment.
Mr. Sondheim is an ingenious composer, but true to the Broadway tradition he writes music that serves words.
Last-minute musical makeovers are a time-honored Broadway tradition.
Gypsy Handoff Half a century and many robes ago, a Broadway tradition was born.
In the Broadway tradition, fun and theatrics are the thing.
A singer fresh out of Juilliard, recognizably in the Broadway tradition, yet with something completely new about her as well.
Mr. Copperfield is honing the show on the road, in the great Broadway tradition.
Had we been in America, we would have been subject to the Broadway tradition.
This season's Disney appreciates both Broadway tradition and the care and feeding of great, idiosyncratic talent.