In the last election, he almost took a shot at Bronx borough president.
The Bronx borough president is also fuming, since nobody in his office knows the city's plans.
What if you knew he had been handpicked by a political boss to become Bronx borough president?
So has the former Bronx borough president as he, like the speaker, considers a mayoral run.
It had been only two weeks since a former Bronx borough president lost the mayoral election in a lopsided race.
The Bronx borough president has attacked the budget, noting its minimal increase in education financing and the tax cut.
- "He's the one" - as they caught sight of the Bronx borough president heading up the avenue.
Three years later he became Bronx borough president, and by 1970 he was elected to Congress.
In 1979, Dominguez also ran an unsuccessful campaign for Bronx borough president.
Fernando Ferrer, the Bronx borough president, has not yet done so.
In the last election, he almost took a shot at Bronx borough president.
The Bronx borough president is also fuming, since nobody in his office knows the city's plans.
What if you knew he had been handpicked by a political boss to become Bronx borough president?
So has the former Bronx borough president as he, like the speaker, considers a mayoral run.
It had been only two weeks since a former Bronx borough president lost the mayoral election in a lopsided race.
The Bronx borough president has attacked the budget, noting its minimal increase in education financing and the tax cut.
- "He's the one" - as they caught sight of the Bronx borough president heading up the avenue.
Three years later he became Bronx borough president, and by 1970 he was elected to Congress.
In 1979, Dominguez also ran an unsuccessful campaign for Bronx borough president.
Fernando Ferrer, the Bronx borough president, has not yet done so.