Since then, 11 more names were given to the Brooklyn prosecutor, and 10 to Queens.
But as the weeks have passed, the Brooklyn prosecutors have seen their old evidence unravel.
That has left Brooklyn prosecutors with the embarrassment of a failed case that seems far different from the one they initially described.
As part of his bid, the father said he could provide information on a variety of topics, including details about misconduct by a Brooklyn prosecutor.
Brooklyn prosecutors made the tapes last fall, and then turned them over to Federal prosecutors, who had already begun their own investigation.
Federal investigators have already received huge amounts of information and evidence about the case from Brooklyn prosecutors.
Meanwhile, the Brooklyn prosecutor is said to be investigating fiscal irregularities.
Brooklyn prosecutors have said the brick was being used to hold a tarpaulin to the roof.
The Brooklyn federal prosecutors will begin a formal process of weighing whether to seek his execution.
In recent weeks, Brooklyn prosecutors have insisted that the Federal Government should step into the case more aggressively.