Derek Buckner is a Brooklyn-based artist who draws his inspiration from the beauty within the seemingly banal settings of suburban houses and intersecting freeways.
For 25 years, Samuel E. Gallo, a Brooklyn-based artist, has been creating artworks based on castings of classical elements and figures.
The museum has just installed two delicate yet powerful wall drawings by the young Mexican, now Brooklyn-based, artist known as Vargas-Suarez Universal.
It isn't, which is why it's thrilling to see what this Brooklyn-based artist has done with the chance.
"Changing Places," an exhibition of seven site-specific works by five Brooklyn-based artists.
Guoqing Heaton's lacquerware sculptures adopt a stripped-down modernist style, as does the work of Lin Yan, a Brooklyn-based artist with an interesting background.
The five Brooklyn-based artists in this show don't go beyond technology, but use it in variously amusing or politically instructive ways.
The show is part of the ongoing "Working in Brooklyn" series, which showcases Brooklyn-based artists.
Elizabeth & The Catapult is a Brooklyn-based artist, consisting of singer-songwriter Elizabeth Ziman.
Vincent Como b. 1975 is a Brooklyn-based visual artist.