Everyone was very deeply impressed, but only one person did anything about it, and that was Brother Juniper.
But it was another thought that visited Brother Juniper: "Why did this happen to those five?"
You and I can see that coming from anyone but Brother Juniper this plan would be the flower of a perfect skepticism.
This was not the first time that Brother Juniper had tried to resort to such methods.
From all this saddening data Brother Juniper contrived an index for each peasant.
And on that afternoon Brother Juniper took a walk along the edge of the Pacific.
Brother Juniper found that there was least to be learned from those who had been most closely associated with the subjects of his inquiry.
But Brother Juniper was not satisfied with his reasons.
Brother Juniper submitted to the decision that the devil had made use of him to effect a brilliant campaign in Peru.
Brother Juniper works for six years on his book about the bridge collapse, trying various mathematical formulae to measure spiritual traits, with no results.